Hohohohohohohohoho! WEIRD! But its true. I'm doing it right now! Hahahahaha. Why? Because I'm too bored. Well, basically my university is trying to make a Malaysia Book Of Records by doing English performance non-stop for 36 hours.
My group and I had done our theater performance this evening and since this program is non-stop, we can sit and watch the other rest performance such as choral speaking, role play and singing anytime we want and there are some of my friends that make a crazy decision to stuck here on this night. Its awesome because its cold since it was fully air-conditioned. Well, here are my few superb annoying faces. Hahahaha.
Okay. That's how I'm now. I also have a few yes, A FEW picture with make up. Hahaha. The messy version of Mary. Mary is the character that I acted on my theater. Oh my English. My sentences are sucks. Okay. Don't bother about it. Just do-do-understand okay? XD Okay, here are those tired faces.
Okay. That's all. Thanks for reading this trashy thingy! Hahaha!